“To act as an initiator, promoter & developer for the elderly in establishing their legal and social rights along with infrastructural support and facilities.”



– To EMPOWER the elderly population to lead a life of respect with dignity and comfort.

– To INITIATE a reawakening in the sense of responsibility nationwide by promoting a friendly environment for the elderly.

– To PROMOTE SUPPORT for Elderly individual in reaching all facilities for Healthy and Well living with full protection under the Law.

– To RE-ESTABLISH self pride & confidence in Elders, to lead a healthy and active live , resulting in positive contributions in National growth.

– To COORDINATE efforts for promotion of Government’s Policy, Acts & Budget allocation for this target group.


We must recognize that to make a difference, we must focus on its resources and efforts. To make its operation efficient, CESI works through SET OF PRINCIPLES:
– A Rights based approach
– Selection by priority of Issues and Areas
– Implementation after only thorough analysis of facts and figures
– Follow of National or Regional policies and plans
– Create Value
– Securing Partnerships 
– Establishing ownership along with sustainability
– Experiencing from Monitoring and Evaluation 
– Advocating


Tanya Tazeen Karim

A well-known architect in Bangladesh graduated from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology and is a partner in the architectural firm Tanya Karim & N R Khan associates.

Besides being actively connected with her family’s Secondary High School and Madrasa in Gohira, her foray into educational initiatives includes being one of the founding members of the Presidency University and presently teaching at the University of Asia Pacific for the past 18 years till date.

Tanya is the first female architect to win a prestigious IAB Design Award and the Daily Star Business Woman Entrepreneur of the Year 2010. Also was the Recipient of an Award for Architecture by WEND (Women Entrepreneurs Network for Development) as well as “Inspiring Woman” Award by Junior Chamber International.

She serves as a board member of Vantage Engineering gp, Renata Pharmaceuticals Ltd and past director of the Bangladesh Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI). Also, a co-founder of Urban Water, Wastelands Society & Design Alliance (UW2SDA) dedicated to wetland protection.

Tanya played an active role in Zonta Club 4 and had arranged several charity fashions with great success. While in Zonta Club, She also initiated the establishment of a Library for a school in Mymensingh.

Ziaul J.A.S. Siddique

A prominent Infrastructure developer in power generation & transmission, water, and wastewater treatment plants. His participation in promoting and arranging finance of new infrastructure projects ended with the successful implementation of national noteworthy projects.

With graduation in finance from Dhaka University, presently he is the Managing Director of VANTAGE ENGINEERING GROUP having a business interest in construction finance and manufacturing.

Besides being a Scout, a sports person, and an avid reader, philanthropic services are his greatest passion. SERVICE WITH HUMILITY is his life’s motto. Promoting infrastructure in community healthcare and in Water and Sanitation is his mission.